
Homework 8 key errata

I discovered a typo in the key to homework 8 that I handed out in class today. Specifically, the very first tree, for What should I buy? has a superfluous C...

Practice finals etc.

The practice finals and their keys are now linked into the schedule page, as well as the key for the “exercises 9,” so if you want to use this to check how y...

Homework 7 comments

I’ve gotten a couple of comments and questions about homework 7 and its relation to the previous handout in class, so let me go over the things that I have b...

Homework 5 and class notes

Ok, so after quite a lot of writing, I have created a handout with notes from yesterday’s class, formalizing basically how we can do subject agreement. And,...

Homework 5 pre-update

We just talked about a bunch of stuff in class, in order to try to come to some kind of conclusion about how to approach the part of the previously assigned ...

Homework 4 extension

Updates on due dates. Homework 4 is now due on Oct 8 (Tuesday) instead of the the Thursday it was originally due on. Homework 5 is due on Oct 17 (Thursday).

Homework 5

Since the printer wasn’t working and I wanted to have a fairly straightforward homework anyway, homework #5 is just this. It is due on October 17.