Homework 2, and Friday

Greetings – ok, so, I’ve had a few people tell me that they have gotten stumped at various points while going through homework 2. Perhaps you are also stumped by something, in fact.

It is true that some of the exercises in this second homework are a level up in difficulty, particularly if you’re one of those for whom Python (or programming generally) is new. I think once you’re on the other side of them, and understand how everything works and fits together, you’ll look back on them as not being all that complicated—but that’s of limited comfort from this side of them.

It’s not particuarly useful for anyone involved to just hand in a guess you’re not sure about, or skip things, so I have a two part strategy to deal with this.

Apologies to anyone who worked super hard to get it ready for Wednesday. If you hand it in and are happy with it, you don’t have to think about it anymore. But I think for people who don’t think they’ve got it yet, it’ll be helpful to have Friday’s session first, before it’s due.

So, to repeat, 1: Homework 2 is really due on Saturday, and 2: Friday is optional.