Homework 3 haiku

I have finally finished constructing Homework 3.

It’s really huge. It’s actually more like an “interactive reading” than it is like a homework. It’s mostly walking you through the process of trying to build up a haiku generator using NLTK, the CMU pronunciation corpus, and the Brown corpus. It took a long time to write, I think it might take less long to do. But it is going to look intimidatingly long. The things you actually need to do are not too elaborate, they’re mostly kind of things to help make sure you’re understanding what’s happening along the way.

There might be bugs or typos, too. Please let me know if you see any, I’ll try to get them fixed.

It’s large enough that I’m going to put it on its own page: Homework 3 “Haiku”

I have it down as being due on Friday this time, because that’s almost a week away.