Homework 4 beginning posted

Because it’s now the middle of the night, I’m posting just the first part of Homework 4 right now.

I will continue to expand this tomorrow a bit more. However, if you want to get started on it, the part that is there is mainly notes on helping make sure that you can get the parser running on your computer. So, it would make sense to go through that part first, particularly if you had any trouble getting it to work in class.

I’ll post again when the homework is actually ready. Right now it just covers very basic tree parsing and drawing, like we did in class, and adding in the capability of doing adjectives. What’s coming up are some further exercises involving complex sentences (one sentence inside another), locating subjects and objects by position in the tree, differentiating between transitive and intransitive verbs, and some initial explorations of relative clauses (like the person who wrote the article or the person who I met).