HW2, Problem 1, Parts 3-4

It has been brought to my attention by a couple of people, correctly, that what I said in (in homework 2, problem 1) part 4 about the meaning of part 3 isn’t correct.

My actual judgments on the test sentences for Parts 1 to 3 are as follows:

  • Part 1: [from Belgium]: The getting/sending had to be from Belgium.
  • Part 2: [a box of chocolates from Belgium]: The chocolates (or the box at least) has to be Belgian.
  • Part 3: [a box of chocolates]: Easiest interpretation is that the getting/sending had to be from Belgium. Focus on that one. If you put a big pause before “from Belgium” you can make it work as a kind of afterthought that describes the box/chocolates, but stick to the judgments on the version where “from Belgium” is not an afterthought.

This probably matches your judgments as well, but, in any event, continue on with part 4, with the judgments above in mind.

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