BUCLD extra credit opportunity, talk suggestions

I’ve now put together a list of talks (to be given at the BUCLD this weekend) that look to have something to do with syntax. You can get it using the link below.

BUCLD 35 syntax talks (use the same password as for homework keys)

As I mentioned in class, I have decided to add an “extra-credit” component to the BUCLD this year, if you’re going to be there. It works as follows: If you go to two talks and write up a short summary of each (between a half-page and a page for each, single-spaced), I will add this into your homework score. The summaries should contain what you took to be their point, what their argument seemed to be, and comments on anything you didn’t understand or didn’t agree with. If you do just one, I’ll figure out some way to count as being something like a “half-homework”-worth of extra credit.

If you can’t go to the conference for any reason, there will be one further opportunity for extra credit later in the semester, which fills the same “extra credit slot” as this one, so you won’t be losing the opportunity for extra credit by not attending the conference—but I encourage you to go, it’s an interesting event.