Although it is true that what I put on the handout doesn’t exactly reflect what Adger had written in his textbook, I’m not yet completely convinced that the handout wasn’t actually correct.
However, regardless, the source of the discussion in the textbook at that point (with respect to the Hopi dual) is drawn from Hale (1997), and the link I just gave should I think take you to the text of that article if you are accessing this from the BU campus (or from the campus of a university that has a subscription to Lingua). The full citation is:
Hale, Ken (1997). Some observations on the contribution of local languages to linguistic science. Lingua 100:71-89.
The relevant part about Hopi is around pages 73 to 74 (where the grave accent marking in Hale’s article seems to match up with the glottal stop marking in Adger’s examples).