For those who will soon be getting their electronically submitted homework back, or for those who picked up their written homework either in LX500 or in my office, the score on the homework is out of 35. I will be putting up a key shortly, so you can see a little bit more explanation of the answers I had in mind. If you got a lowish score, do not despair, though: I am not grading these on a strict 90-80-70-60 scale, so a score of 21 is not, I repeat not, the numerical analog of a D. It’ll be much better than that, though the specifics will depend a bit on how people do in general over the semester (the idea is to grade these on the basis of what was possible, given the difficulty of the problems and factoring out the effects of poorly-worded questions).
I anticipate having all of the homework assignments be scored out of 35, but these points are pretty abstract, they aren’t comparable to points on a test, only to points on other homework.
I will also put the scores up on the Blackboard site before long, and I intend to continue posting scores there throughout the semester so that you will be able to look to see what you’ve been getting. That is going to be pretty much the only function of the Blackboard site, though.