For those of you who emailed me homework #1, the graded ones should now have been mailed back to you. If you got it to me late, I might still have it, but otherwise I think everybody should have them back now. I will try to be sure they get out in a more timely manner in the future.
I’m in the process of setting up a Blackboard site for the course, and I’ll post the link when it’s there. I’ll record the scores on it so you can at any point look to see what I think you had for the scores.
Whether you emailed HW1 to me or handed it in, odds are you have it back now. I will be posting a key shortly as well, so you can compare my thoughts on it to what you wrote. There will be a password required in order to see the key. I’ll announce that password in class, but once the key is up, you can email me for the password. I’ll probably also post the keys to the Blackboard site as well, once it is running. I’ll put up another blog entry about that once it is in place.
When you look it over, let me know if you think that there’s something amiss about how it was graded. Homeworks #1 and #2 are a bit tricky to grade, but beginning with homework #3 at least, it should be a bit clearer what you’re being asked to do and what the right answers are. No matter what, I will try to be fair with the grading, so if you misunderstood what to do on something and the instructions were insufficient, I intend to take that into account. You might need to call my attention to it, though, since I am not grading the homework myself.