
CAS LX 390 / NLP/CL Homework 3
GRS LX 690 Fall 2017 due Tue 9/26

People can argue about this, but let’s just say that something will qualify as haiku if it is in three lines, with specific syllable counts: 5-7-5. Thus: [might be attributable to Rolf Nelson]

Haikus are easy

But sometimes they don’t make sense


So, suppose that we want to use a corpus to create such things. We need to be able to determine whether we have met the syllable constraints. Let’s do that with the CMU pronunciation corpus.

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import cmudict

One of the ways we can look at the CMU pronunciation corpus is in the form of a “dictionary”, so we’ll ask the corpus for that form and give it a name (pro).

pro = cmudict.dict()

We can now look up the pronunciation of a word in the following way:


In response, you get:

[['T', 'R', 'IH1', 'M', 'D']]

Task 1. The output for “trimmed” above looked a little bit strange because it started with two square brackets. But this is meaningful and intentional. The information we wanted (“how do you pronounce ‘trimmed’?”) is represented as a list (an ordered sequence of “phones”), starting with a “T”, followed by an “R”, followed by an “IH” vowel with primary stress, etc. We know it’s a list because it has entries seperated by commas and surrounded by square brackets. This accounts for the innermost square brackets above, but the outermost brackets also are defining a list. Look at the output of pro['trimmed'] and compare it to the output of pro['fire']. The question is: What kind of thing do you get (that is, “a list of…”) when you look up an entry using pro[word]?

Task 2. Look up “madelyn” this way. How many syllables does this word have?

Think about how we might be able to count the number of syllables in a pronunciation programmatically. What is there one of in a single syllable word, two of in a bisyllabic word, three of in a trisyllabic word, etc.? There are a couple of approaches. One might be just to make a list of the “syllable-defining” phones (like, vowels), and count how many of those there are in the pronunciation. But the coding of this corpus actually provides us an easier avenue: syllables are marked for stress. We can count the number of stress marks (0=unstressed, 1=primary stress, 2=secondary stress) and that will tell us how many syllables there are.

A note of advice at this point

I would suggest from here on out that instead of working directly with the Python console (apart from just experimenting there), you type your function definitions and commands into a separate file. In either IDLE or Anaconda/Spyder, you can create a new file with Cmd-N (on the Mac—it is probably Ctrl-N in Windows), and in either IDLE or Anaconda/Spyder, you can press F5 (or choose Run from the Run menu) and it will run through the commands in your file as if you had typed them. So, my file at this point looks like this:

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import cmudict
pro = cmudict.dict()

And then hitting F5 will make it go through all those steps again from the beginning. For just checking things like pro['fire'] that’s fine to do in the console, but once you start defining functions, it’s easier to edit/fix them in the text editor.

Also, way at the end of this homework odyssey, once we have developed a more sophisticated haiku generator, one of your tasks will be to try it out using different categories of the Brown corpus. If you have all your commands in a file that you can just re-run, it’s easy to change “romance” to “humor” or “news” and run the whole thing again. If you have done everything directly in the console, there are a number of steps you’ll need to do over again if you change the corpus. It can all be done in the console, but I think your life will be easier if you put it in a file and run it from the file instead.

Task 3. Write a function that, given a word (a string), will look up the pronunciation, count the syllables in the first pronunciation and return it. Note: see immediately below for hints.

The function takes a word and returns a number of syllables. So it would start with something like:

def count_syllables(word):
    # here, some computation using the word that was passed in
    # put the number of syllables into a variable (num_syllables)
    return num_syllables

The first thing we are going to need to do is look up the pronunciation of the word that is passed in. We know from above that when we look up the pronunciations of word using pro[word], we get a list. If we want the first (and often only) pronunciation from that list, we need to focus on the first element. How do we get the first element of a list? Right. So, the list of phones we are going to check (the first pronunciation) is pro[word][0].

Each element in this list of phones will look like IH1 or T or ZH. To figure out how many syllables are in that we need to count how many have a stress mark (that is, ends in a 0, 1, or 2). How can we get the last letter of an arbitrary string? Remember that you can use a negative index in a slice in order to count backwards from the end. The textbook made use of a special function isdigit() that we can use here to distinguish digits from non-digits, and that is good enough. A reasonable strategy here would be to make a list of just those phones with stress marks; the number of syllables would be the length of that list. This is a good place to use a “list comprehension”: we want to make a list of xes drawn from pro[word][0] where (if) the last character (x[-1]) is a digit (.isdigit()). I’ll leave it up to you to compress that into a list comprehension, but it’s basically all right there. And then we want to set num_syllables to be the length of that list.

If you have succeeded, you should get 2 for count_syllables('fire'), 5 for count_syllables('participated'), 3 for count_syllables('madelyn').

If you’re very concise, you can get this all on one line without using a variable like num_syllables, as below. Once you have it working above, you will probably see what I mean. This is at this point just artistic. The main thing is just to get count_syllables() to return the number of syllables, however you do it.

    return len([x for x in #... etc. 

The goal is to construct lines of 5 and 7 syllables. Maybe the simplest way to do this, as a first pass, would be to just find all the 5 syllable words and 7 syllables words, then just use two 5 syllable words separated by a 7 syllable one. Though this feels a bit like cheating, it’s a good place to start. This is going to lead to inspired haikus like:


So the new sub-goal is to filter through the words in the dictionary and make a list of the 5 and 7 syllable words.

Task 4. Construct a list of the 5 syllable words. Then construct a list of the 7 syllable words. (And tell me how you did it.)

Notes: The list we want is a list of xes drawn from the list of words (pro) such that count_syllables(x) is 5.

If we were looking for words with more than 5 syllables, we’d check if count_syllables(x) > 5, but here we want words that are exactly 5 syllables long. There is something to watch out for here. You’d think that you might just use = instead of > if you want to test for syllable counts that are equal to 5. But that’s not right. The reason is that = means “assign”. When you say v = 5 you are assigning the value 5 to the variable v (or, alternatively, pointing the symbol v at the value of 5). When you want to test for equality, you need to use a double equal sign (==). So: v = 5 sets v to be 5, and v == 5 is True if v is 5 and False otherwise. Usually, Python will warn you (by stopping with a syntax error) if you accidentally use = instead of ==.

I called my lists fives and sevens and you can see how many you found by using len() on the list. For me, len(fives) is 3398, len(sevens) is 108. You should wind up with the same numbers.

Task 5. Write a function that prints terrible haikus. Specifically, write a function that will pick two 5 syllable words at random, and one 7 syllable word at random, and print the 7 syllable word between the two 5 syllable words. Provide a couple such haikus.

We want to define a function, so this would start like def bad_haiku(): and it does not need to return anything. Instead it will just print() to the screen.

In order to make a random choice, you will want to import random so that we get access to the random.choice(list) function. Once you have done this, to pick randomly from a list, you can use x = random.choice(listname) so, for example, middle_line = random.choice(sevens) based on what I called my list of seven syllable words.

Printing to the screen is accomplished with print().

You can combine things more concisely, and, rather than finding words first and then printing them, you can print a word as you find it (and thus not need to store the word in a variable), like print(random.choice(fives))

These are pretty terrible haikus. It would be nice if at least it would be able to combine some shorter words to make the 5 and 7 syllable lines. Maybe stylistically, we’d like to keep the last line at a single word, but the others really should be made of shorter words if we’re going to convince anyone that we have produced something deep and meaningful.

What is involved in that? We need to be able to get the lines to exactly 5 and 7 syllables, so we are going to need to sort out the shorter words as well. We need a list of the 1 syllable words, 2 syllable words, 3 syllable words, …, 7 syllable words. We already made the 5 and 7 lists, and we could just find the other 5 by hand as well, but this solution doesn’t “scale”. It’s very repetitive, and doing repetitive things is something that the computer is great at. The difference between finding 5 and 7 syllable words was just changing a 5 to a 7 in the list comprehension that finds the relevant words. So, let’s make a function that can find words of whatever syllable length we pass in.

Task 6. Write a function that takes a number (representing the number of syllables we want) and returns a list of words that have exactly that many syllables.

Generally, this should be exactly like what you did to find the 5 syllable words, except that instead of using “5” we are going to use a number that was passed in as an argument to the function.

The function would start something like def words_of_syllable_length(num_syllables): and would create a list of words that have exactly num_syllables syllables, then return that list.

def words_of_syllable_length(num_syllables):
    # create a list of words (word_list) that have
    # exactly num_syllables syllables
    return word_list

To be sure it is working, make sure that words_of_syllable_length(5) returns a list that has 3398 words in it, and words_of_syllable_length(7) returns a list that has 108 words in it.

Now, suppose that we want to form a 5 syllable line by picking a random 3 syllable word and then a random 2 syllable word. With the new function we have, we could do something like

first_word = random.choice(words_of_syllable_length(3))
second_word = random.choice(words_of_syllable_length(2))

But there’s one thing to notice here. It takes a little while to compute words_of_syllable_length(3). So, if we are going to be needing to select a few different 3 syllable words, it would be better to just compute this once and store the result somewhere, rather than searching the whole list for 3 syllable words over and over again (and getting the same result each time).

To keep things simple, let’s set up a list of lists. Read what I did below, but don’t bother typing it in because we’re going to try to do better.

ones = words_of_syllable_length(1)
twos = words_of_syllable_length(2)
threes = words_of_syllable_length(3)
fours = words_of_syllable_length(4)
fives = words_of_syllable_length(5)
sixes = words_of_syllable_length(6)
sevens = words_of_syllable_length(7)
sorted_lists = [ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens]

The nice thing about sorted_lists is that the list of words with 5 syllables is stored at sorted_lists[4], and the list of words with 7 syllables is stored at sorted_lists[6]—that is, whatever number of syllables we want, we can get the list of words that long by looking at the that element of the list (subtracting one to get the right index).

Creating that was kind of ridiculously repetitive, though. Computers are good at repetitive tasks.

Task 7. Define sorted_lists using a list comprehension instead.

The for clause of the list comprehension should be counting integers between 0 and 6. If the list comprehension contains for n in range(7) then it will iterate over values of n from 0 to 6. You can then get the word list using words_of_syllable_length(n + 1). What you are trying to do is make a list whose elements are each words_of_syllable_length(n + 1) for n between 0 and 6.

Now we can start improving our haiku writer. Let’s first try writing it so that instead of producing a 5 syllable word for the first line and a 7 syllable word for the second, it produces a 2-3 / 4-1-2 / 5 pattern.

We’ll be getting things like this:

backstage schueneman
electrocute cross flagship

Task 8. Define a slightly-less-bad-haiku function that prints randomly chosen words in a 2-3 / 4-1-2 / 5 pattern. Give a couple of examples of what you get.

This will be like the bad_haiku() function except with just a bit more printing and finding of words. Remember that if you want to print something with a space after it (instead of a carriage return), you need to print(word, end=' ').

There are a couple of different ways to create a 5 syllable line. You could have a 5 syllable word, or a 1 syllable word followed by a 4 syllable word, or five 1 syllable words. Let’s improve the haiku writer even more by letting it pick its words more freely.

So, how many different combinations are there that can lead to a 5 syllable line, and to a 7 syllable line? We know how to do a pattern, perhaps we can just list out all of the possible patterns and then randomly choose one.

If you think about this a little bit, you’ll find that it would be a big pain in the neck to list out all the possible ways you can get 7 syllables. 7 1s, or 5 1s and a 2, or 4 1s and a 3, or 4 1s and a 2 and a 1, or, or, or. This is boring, and the kind of things computers are better at anyway.

Thinking about it further, too, you might see that there’s a different way to approach it, a bit more like you would if you were writing one yourself. You have 5 syllables. You pick a word. That word has 3 syllables. You have 2 syllables left. You pick another word, either a 1 or a 2 syllable word. If you picked a 1 syllable word, you pick one last 1 syllable word. And you have 5. Let’s make the haiku writer do basically this.

More specifically, let’s make it keep track of how many syllables it has left, pick a random word that has any number of syllables up to the number of syllables it has left, and then pick again if it still has syllables left.

We know we are going to have to do this for 5 and for 7, so let’s make a more general function that takes the number of syllables we are aiming for as an argument.

Before we do that, let’s try a kind of practice run. This is going to be a function that takes a number as an argument and will return a list of numbers that add up to the original number.

def numberparts(total):
    new_number = random.randrange(total) + 1
    remaining = total - new_number
    if remaining == 0:
        number_list = [new_number]
        number_list = [new_number] + numberparts(remaining)
    return number_list

When I use print(numberparts(15)) three different times, I get three different answers, like this:

[3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1]
[1, 10, 4]
[9, 4, 2]

The way numberparts works is a little bit weird. I’ll walk through it here, and I’ll repeat the line I’m talking about as I talk about it.

    new_number = random.randrange(total) + 1

First it finds a random (integer) number greater than or equal to 0, and less than total. This is accomplished using random.randrange(total). (random.randrange() is like range() in that the number you provide is one higher than the function can reach. So range(15) gives a list of numbers from 0 to 14, but not 15; and random.randrange(15) could return anything from 0 to 14, but not 15.) Since we don’t want to include 0, we add one, meaning that new_number winds up able to be any number from 1 to 15.

Task 9. Why don’t we want to include 0?

    remaining = total - new_number

Then, it figures out how many we have left after our new number before the numbers add up to the total. So, for a total of 15, if new_number turned out to be 10, then remaining would be 5. That is, we have to find more numbers that add up to 5.

    if remaining == 0:
        number_list = [new_number]

It’s possible that we are finished already. If the number we picked is already as big as the total we are aiming for, then the list we will return (number_list) can be just the simple list containing that one number.

        number_list = [new_number] + numberparts(remaining)

If, on the other hand, we still have more numbers to find, then the list we want to return is one that contains this number (new_number) and then some more numbers that add up to remaining. So, this is accomplished by adding together the list with new_number in it and the list we get from numberparts(remaining) which will be a list of numbers that add up to remaining.

    return number_list

Then we return the number_list we created in one of the two last code fragments.

If your brain hurts now, or you suspect witchcraft, welcome to the world of recursive programming. Even though it seems kind of intuitive if you were doing this yourself as a human, the weird thing about numberparts is that in that penultimate line we actually use the function we are defining as part of its definition. Why does this not simply cause the universe to implode?

If you actually trace it through and think about what it is doing, it may make a little bit more sense. Let me try to represent this in a table (below). The explanation is below the table, but the idea is that as part of computing numberparts(15) we need to compute numberparts(5) first. And as part of computing numberparts(5) we need to compute numberparts(2) first.

picked 10 (5 remain)    
(find a list that adds to 5) => numberparts(5)  
  picked 3 (2 remain)  
  (find a list that adds to 2) => numberparts(2)
    picked 2 (none remain)
  ([2] is such a list) <= return [2]
  return [3] + [2]  
([3, 2] is such a list) <= (a.k.a. [3, 2])  
return [10] + [3, 2]    
(a.k.a. [10, 3, 2])    

In words: We were computing numberparts(15). We picked a random number, it was 10. That by itself does not add to 15. In addition to the 10, we need a list of numbers that will add up to the remaining 5. numberparts(5) can find a list with that property. While computing numberparts(5), we pick a random number, and it was 3. That does not add to 5, we also need a list of numbers that will add up to the remaining 2. So, we call numberparts(2) to get such a list. It randomly picks 2, which does add up to 2 (that was the goal), so it returns [2], which is a list that adds up to 2. We can now finish evaluating numberparts(5), which adds the [3] it found to the [2] it got back, and returns [3, 2] (which is a list that adds up to 5). And then we can finish evaluating numberparts(15), it adds the [10] it found to the [3, 2] it got back, and returns [10, 3, 2] (which is a list that adds to 15).

I went through all that because we can use this (pretty directly) to construct a list of words whose syllables add up to five, or seven, or whatever we want. Really, the only difference between numberparts() and the function that we want for our haiku-maker is that instead of making lists of numbers, we want to make lists of words.

Task 10. Write a function construct_line(total) that takes a number of syllables as an argument and returns a list of words whose syllables add up to the number of syllables that was passed in.

You want to base construct_line(total) on numberparts(total). The basic logic can be the same, but where numberparts() sets number_list to a list of numbers, you instead want to set word_list to a list of words. (It doesn’t actually matter whether you call it number_list or word_list or steve_the_variable, it just needs to be a list of words, and word_list seems like an easily-remembered name for such a thing.)

So, instead of having a list like [2] you want to have a list that has a randomly chosen 2 syllable word. Fortunately, we have a list of two syllable words here: sorted_lists[1] (Remember? Back before we started worrying about the universe imploding?). A randomly chosen 2-syllable word, then, might be random.choice(sorted_lists[1]).

And, more generally, if, say, we want to find a randomly chosen word of length new_number, this can be accomplished using random.choice(sorted_lists[new_number]).

Be cautious about indices. new_number in numberparts was 1-based (could be from, say, 1 to 15, if total was 15). But sorted_lists[] and random.randrange() are both 0-based (1 syllable words are in sorted_lists[0]). So make sure you’re adding or subtracting 1 in the right places.

Task 11. Write a slightly better haiku generation function that will use construct_line() three times, in order to print a 5 syllable line, a 7 syllable line, and another 5 syllable line. Give a couple of examples you get.

Here is one I wound up with. They look like this because I just used, e.g., print(construct_line(5)) to print a 5-syllable line, and that will print the list (with square brackets, commas, and quote/quotation marks).

>>> slightly_better_haiku()
['hegemony', "debt's"]
['unigesco', 'naderite']

Optional Fun Task. The construct_line() function returns a list of words. If you want to be particularly fancy, you can print the words as (something resembling) sentences rather than printing the lists. To assist you in that endeavor, observe what join() does below.

>>> print(' '.join(['this', 'is', 'a', 'sentence']))
'this is a sentence'
>>> print(' !pizza! '.join(['this', 'is', 'a', 'sentence']))
'this !pizza! is !pizza! a !pizza! sentence'

These haikus are still pretty terrible. It’s just random words jumbled together. So, let’s take one last step to trying to make these more palatable. Spoilers: they’re still going to be terrible.

The plan is to use bigrams and conditional frequency distributions to try to chain the words together better, so that as much as possible, the choice of what word comes next is constrained by what has been seen to come next in the corpus.

We’ll look at the “romance” category (since this seems most likely to provide poetry), and the idea is that we will look at a “romance” word, find out how many syllables it has by looking up its pronunciation, and then proceed to the next word based on words that have been seen to follow it in the “romance” corpus. Notice that this means we need to be able to find the “romance” word in the pronunciation corpus (because we need to know how many syllables it has). So, this is only going to work for words that are in both corpora. Another point about this: The Brown corpus contains some words that are capitalized, but all of the words in the CMU pronunciation corpus are lowercase. So, as a first step, we will extract the “romance” category, and then make it all lowercase.

from nltk.corpus import brown
corp = brown.words(categories='romance')
lc_corp = [w.lower() for w in corp]

Now that we have the corpus in lowercase, we can form the bigrams (the pairs of word and next word) using bigrams(lc_corp) but then eliminate all of those that contain words we cannot look up in the pronunciation corpus. So, below, we form common_bigrams by going through each bigram (x,y) and adding it to the list only when both x and y are in our pronunciation corpus.

from nltk.util import bigrams
common_bigrams = [(x,y) for (x,y) in bigrams(lc_corp) if x in pro and y in pro]

Finally, we can create a conditional frequency distribution, that will provide for us a list of observed continuations after each word. Recall that what this allows us to do is evaluate something like cfd['angry'] and get a frequency distribution telling us what words followed “angry” in the corpus, and how often they did. So, “angry at” occurred twice, and “angry had”, “angry knot”, and “angry with” each occurred once.

cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(common_bigrams)
FreqDist({'at': 2, 'had': 1, 'knot': 1, 'with': 1})

In our previous haiku generator, the word choice was based on first picking a random number of syllables (within the range that we had left on the line), and then picking a random word that has that many syllables. In our improved haiku-writer, we need to constrain this more.

Let’s think about how this would work if we did it by hand. Suppose below that we want to construct a line (a list of words) that add up to 5 syllables and which match a bigram from the “romance” corpus.

>>> # we will start with "unhappy", we want 5 syllables
>>> count_syllables('unhappy')
>>> # we need 2 more syllables
>>> # what words can come after "unhappy"?
>>> cfd['unhappy']
FreqDist({'conviction': 1, 'his': 1, 'memory': 1, 'success': 1})
>>> # which of these can we use?
>>> # "conviction" and "memory" have too many syllables.
>>> # "success" or "his" would work.
>>> count_syllables('success')
>>> # that's five
>>> line = ['unhappy', 'success']

Task 12. Try building a 7 syllable line by hand on your own. Start with the word “truth”, and do it like in the example above.

Now, we will try to formalize this into a new version of the construct_line() function. I will call it construct_better_line() and like before, we need to tell it how many syllables the line should have. So, it should start something like this:

def construct_better_line(total):

But that’s not quite good enough. The construct_better_line() function is used each time we need to find a next word, but now the choice of the next word depends on what the previous word was. So the function needs access to the previous word, not just the target length. That means that we need to add the previous word as one of the things that the function takes as an argument. So, really, it should be something like this:

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word):

But if we’re just starting a line at the beginning, there is no previous word. Python has a special value for things that don’t exist, called None. We can set up this function with a “default” for the previous_word such that, if no previous word is provided, it is assumed to be None. Like so:

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):

This means there are two situations to consider, one where we have a previous word (we are in the middle of a line), and one where we don’t (we are at the beginning of a line). If there is no previous word, the choice of the next word is relatively unconstrained, we can just pick a random word (that has fewer than total syllables). If there is a previous word, then we need to consult the conditional frequency distribution we built from the bigrams. You can test for whether previous_word is None or not by treating previous_word as if it were a True/False value. None will evaluate as False, anything else will evaluate as True.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if previous_word:
        # select the next word based on the previous one
        # select the first word however we like

Let’s start with what happens if we are at the beginning of a line. I demonstrated this above by starting with “unhappy” and then had you do one that started with “truth”. Can you just pick any random word? Well, let’s see.

Task 13. How many different words can follow “linda”?

Task 14. One of the words that can follow “linda” is “socially”. So we know that “socially” is in both corpora. How many different words can follow “socially”?

It is not guaranteed that there will be continuations available from any word you pick. It might be that there simply are no examples in the corpus of words following the word you picked, or it might be that all of the examples there are have too many syllables to fit on what’s left of your line. We will probably need to deal with this contingency, but at least when we are starting a line, we want to pick a word that has somewhere to go.

So, let’s make a list of good starting words. The plan is to find the 100 words with the highest number of possible following words, and when we start a new line, we will pick one of those. This doesn’t really address the issue directly, but it’s a fairly easy way to give the haiku generator a fighting chance.

We need to know for each word how many continuations it has. If we were consider “unhappy”, it has 4 cotinuations.

>>> cfd['unhappy']
FreqDist({'conviction': 1, 'his': 1, 'memory': 1, 'success': 1})
>>> len(cfd['unhappy'])

We need this for every word in cfd though. We can make that list as follows:

>>> num_next = [(len(cfd[x]), x) for x in cfd]
>>> num_next[:3]
[(1, 'patrol'), (1, 'skirt'), (2, 'rubbing')]

So, there is one word that follows “patrol”, two words that follow “rubbing”, etc. What is useful about putting them in this format, with the number as the first element of each pair, is that we can just sort on that number to find the ones with the most continuations.

>>> sorted_next = sorted(num_next)
>>> sorted_next[:3]
[(1, "a's"), (1, 'abandoning'), (1, 'able')]
>>> sorted_next[-3:]
[(766, 'a'), (859, 'and'), (1364, 'the')]

The words with the most continuations are at the end (it sorts from low to high), and so the 100 “most continuable” words would be sorted_next[-100:].

>>> good_starts = sorted_next[-100:]
>>> good_starts[0]
(35, 'eyes')

Getting back to what happens at the beginning of a line in construct_better_line, we want to pick one of those “good starts” as the next word if there is no previous word. It is possible that some of those words have too many syllables, though. It’s not really likely, but we should still take that into account. So, we need to filter the list so that it just has words that have fewer than total syllables, and then make a random choice from among those.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if previous_word:
        # select the next word based on the previous one
        # select the first word however we like
        ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
        first_word = random.choice(ok_starts)

Now that we have the first word, we determine how many syllables it has, how many syllables we still need to fill, and then ask construct_better_line to find us a set of words that has that many syllables following our first word.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if previous_word:
        # select the next word based on the previous one
        # select the first word however we like
        ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
        first_word = random.choice(ok_starts)
        num_syllables = count_syllables(first_word)
        remaining = total - num_syllables
        line = [first_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, first_word)
    return line

Now, let’s turn our attention to what happens when construct_better_line is called with a previous word. In that case, we need to figure out what the possible continuations are from that word, filter them down to just those that do not have too many syllables, and then pick one of them.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if previous_word:
        # select the next word based on the previous one
        next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
        next_word = random.choice(next_words)

And then we find out how many syllables the next word has, how many syllables we have left to find, and call construct_better_line to find the rest of them.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if previous_word:
        # select the next word based on the previous one
        next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
        next_word = random.choice(next_words)
        num_syllables = count_syllables(next_word)
        remaining = total - num_syllables
        line = [next_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, next_word)

Now, if you’re kind of following what’s going on here, you will probably have noticed that there are a couple of terrible problems with what we have so far. The most glaring of them is that it goes on forever, never actually finishing. That’s because we never check to see if we actually got all the syllables that we need.

There are a couple of ways to handle this. One would be to check to see if remaining is 0, and if it is, just return [next_word] rather than also calling construct_better_line again. But another would be to notice if we called construct_better_line with a total of 0, and if so, just return an empty list (which is, after all, a list of words that is zero syllables long). Let’s take the second route, which amounts to taking everything we had already and embedding it inside a conditional block.

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if total == 0:
        line = []
        if previous_word:
            # select the next word based on the previous one
            next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            next_word = random.choice(next_words)
            num_syllables = count_syllables(next_word)
            remaining = total - num_syllables
            line = [next_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, next_word)
            # select the first word however we like
            ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            first_word = random.choice(ok_starts)
            num_syllables = count_syllables(first_word)
            remaining = total - num_syllables
            line = [first_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, first_word)
    return line

Task 15. Suppose we call construct_better_line(2, "the"). This is looking for a list of words totalling 2 syllables that can follow the word “the”. Suppose that our random choice gave us the word “pickle”, so num_syllables gets set to 2. What does line get set to?

The total variable was not 0, and there was a previous word, so we’re in that middle block. The value that line gets is [next_word] plus whatever construct_better_line returns. We know what remaining will be, and next_word is by hypothesis “pickle”.

What I’m asking you to think about here is what happens when we call construct_better_line with (0, "pickle"), and what does ultimately mean line gets set to?

We’re almost done here. There is one prominent special case that we have so far failed to handle. If there is a previous word, we set next_words to be a list of possible continuations that do not have too many syllables. But what happens if either there are no possible continuations, or if the ones there are are too long? In that case next_words would be an empty list, and we can’t choose a member from an empty list.

This situation could quite easily arise, so we have to think about what to do if it does. In order to keep this relatively simple, let’s say that if we wind up in that situation, we simply start over as if we didn’t have a previous word. We can just take the next word from the list of “good starts”.

We can tell if we are in that situation right after we compute next_words, so let’s add a conditional block there:

            next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            if len(next_words) == 0:
                # problem! We need to pick a new start word
                # no problem! do as before
                next_word = random.choice(next_words)

The idea is that we want to pick the next word not on the basis of the previous word, but as if we did not have a previous word. Although there is surely a more elegant way to do this, let’s just copy what we do when there is no previous word:

            next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            if len(next_words) == 0:
                # problem! We need to pick a new start word
                ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
                next_word = random.choice(ok_starts)
                # no problem! do as before
                next_word = random.choice(next_words)

At this point, we are basically finished. There is one situation we have not handled, which is if there are also no words in good_starts that are short enough to fit. However, looking at good_starts, it is full of one-syllable words, so there will never be a situation where we can’t find something in there that will fit. Given this assumption about the corpus, we can safely leave that contingency unaddressed in our function.

So, here is the whole function, then:

def construct_better_line(total, previous_word = None):
    if total == 0:
        line = []
        if previous_word:
            # select the next word based on the previous one
            next_words = [w for w in cfd[previous_word] if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            if len(next_words) == 0:
                # problem! We need to pick a new start word
                ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
                next_word = random.choice(ok_starts)
                # no problem! do as before
                next_word = random.choice(next_words)
            num_syllables = count_syllables(next_word)
            remaining = total - num_syllables
            line = [next_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, next_word)
            # select the first word however we like
            ok_starts = [w for (n, w) in good_starts if count_syllables(w) <= total]
            first_word = random.choice(ok_starts)
            num_syllables = count_syllables(first_word)
            remaining = total - num_syllables
            line = [first_word] + construct_better_line(remaining, first_word)
    return line

For how long it took us to build it, it seems kind of short. But, it should do what we said we wanted to do.

So, now we can actually test it. Let’s see how better_haiku() fares.

def better_haiku():

Here are a couple that I got. They’re still horrible, but maybe a little bit more coherent.

>>> better_haiku()
['with', 'questioning', 'eyes']
['their', 'personal', 'god', 'rest', 'last']
['them', 'you', 'wear', 'something']

>>> better_haiku()
['are', 'talking', 'down', 'at']
['she', 'walked', 'away', 'in', 'its', 'dark']
['if', "you'd", 'rather', 'a']

Task 16. Try it on a couple of different corpora. Earlier, we set corp to be brown.words(categories='romance'), but try it with news or humor or religion. Give me two haikus from each of two different categories in the Brown corpus.

Hint: This is where it is relevant to have done all of this in a separate file that you can edit and re-run. If you did, you can just change “romance” to “humor” and then hit F5 to see what happens. If you did it in the console, you need to redo all of these steps before you’ll be using the “science_fiction” corpus.

corp = brown.words(categories='science_fiction')
lc_corp = [w.lower() for w in corp]
common_bigrams = [(x,y) for (x,y) in bigrams(lc_corp) if x in pro and y in pro]
cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(common_bigrams)
num_next = [(len(cfd[x]), x) for x in cfd]
sorted_next = sorted(num_next)
good_starts = sorted_next[-100:]

Task 17. Congratulate yourself for having stuck with this very verbose homework assignment.

Optional Tasks For Fun. There are lots of ways this could be improved or optimized. Would the results be better if you isolated words that occur at the start of sentences (rather than words that have the most possible continuations)? Would it be useful to remove stopwords from the “good starts”? Would it be better to try to make more common continuations more likely to be chosen? Can you extend this to make a limerick generator? Or iambic pentameter?