CAS LX 394 / NLP/CL Homework 5
GRS LX 694 Spring 2019 due Mon 3/4

Working with CHILDES

In class, I started describing a project that I thought would be an interesting thing to do with CHILDES, having to do with looking at bilingual corpora to see if we could find evidence that the point at which children exit the “root infinitive” stage matches in both languages. Since one of the primary hypotheses about this phenomenon is that it is maturational, it should be the case that it should not be language-dependent but rather individual-dependent.

I still think it’s a cool idea for a project, but there are some logistical problems. First, there is the kind of predictable issue that it’s going to be hard to do without knowing at least a bit of the languages involved, so that “non-adult” forms can be identified. Second, there is the fact that not all languages seem to show the effect, such that it is (perhaps in principle, but if not at least observationally mostly) correlated with not being a null-subject language. And it also needs to have identifiable infinitives. So, the second obstacle is that not any pairings of languages will work. Which leads to the third obstacle: finding appropriate pairs of languages where both languages are expected to show root infinitives, which cover the relevant age ranges (like around 1;6 to 3;6) with a sufficient number of transcripts, in languages we know well enough to analyze. There aren’t many options, and it turns out that even among those, they’re not tagged in a way that makes the project easy, because the original researchers were looking at other things.

But, let’s maybe see how one might start. The main thing we’re really confronting here is the problem of insufficiently tagged corpora, and the relative lack of power of the CHILDESCorpusReader.

To begin, we can look at the descriptions of the bilingal corpora in CHILDES for a corpus that:

  • is bilingual,
  • involving two languages that both show root infinitives,
  • both of which you know well enough to make sense of the transcripts,
  • has children between about 1.5 and 3.5 years old,

From a language standpoint, the ones with Cantonese, Catalan, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish are out, at least. I think Farsi and Hungarian too. German, French, Russian, English, Dutch, Danish could work. But, this is not many from which to choose. Particularly once we limit the age ranges, and then look for corpora that are large enough.

Probably the most promising one is the GNP corpus, where I am making the unwarranted assumption that French is one of the languages “you well enough to make sense of the transcripts.” It will not in fact be required that you learn French to do this homework.

In most of these corpora (including the GNP corpus), we have primarily just the words. Fair enough, these were transcribed for some particular purpose of the original researchers. But it means that if we want to do things like look for main clause infinitives, we need to do some more work than just searching for verbs and infinitives.

Before we get there, though, there are some other things to consider. Recall that there are some kind of standard searching/analysis utilities that are distributed alongside CHILDES. You have access to them in the browsable database (individual commands like mlu and freq), and you can download a version for your local computer as well. They are collectively called CLAN (CHild language ANalysis, I think). And they are pretty well suited to a lot of things one might want to do with CHILDES. In the real world, if you are working with CHILDES, you might want to use those rather than using NLTK and Python, because, as it turns out, they are more capable than the CHILDESCorpusReader.

Still, let’s see how we can do in Python. It is certainly more flexible, even if it doesn’t have everything we want already built in.


If you look at the description of the particular corpus you want to use, there will likely be links both into the browsable database and to a file you can download. However, the file you download there is almost certain to be in CHAT format (files ending in .cha). NLTK does not know how to handle those (except as general text files), the CHILDESCorpusReader is designed for XML files.

CHAT is a format that is specific to CHILDES (or at least to Talkbank, which kind of grew out of CHILDES) and is well specified. The format guidelines are specific. Participant and recording information goes at the top in specific forms, participants are referred to by three-letter codes (CHI = child, MOT = mother, etc.), and individual utterances begin with * and the participant (*CHI: ), while dependent “tiers” begin with %, and so on. You can read the CHAT manual if you like, and you can kind of absorb how it works by looking at the browsable transcripts of any corpus.

When NLTK (or more specifically CHILDESCorpusReader) is processing CHILDES files, it wants them to be in XML format, rather than in CHAT format. XML adds an extra layer on, it’s still basically in the CHAT format but it is “marked up” to be more computer-program-friendly. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language, and that’s probably a whole separate thing that’s not worth spending a lot of time on here. I talked about it a little bit in class, it’s related to the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that the web is essentially “written in.” The main thing to know about it I guess is that it defines a kind of hierarchical structure for a document, like a tree, with nodes that can be assigned properties. We will look at it a bit more closely later.

Many/most of the corpora in CHILDES are in XML format already, but you need to go to the XML-specific section to find them (these are not in general linked from the main page that describes the corpus). So, once you pick a corpus you want to use, you want to look in the bilingual XML corpora directory to find the XML files for that corpus.

Last time I looked, not all the corpora have XML versions already made. I’m not sure why not. For example the FallsChurch Japanese-English bilingual one does not seem to be in the list of available XML corpora. (Though, that one wouldn’t be great for this project due to Japanese not showing root infinitives in any obvious way.) CHAT is well enough defined though that there is a pretty easy way to convert from CHAT to XML. There is a program to do this called Chatter. It is easy to download and use on the Mac, and there is a Java version that is supposed to work on Windows and Linux. I did not try it on Windows or Linux though. To use it, unzip the CHAT files you have downloaded, open the Chatter program, then choose “Open” in Chatter, select the folder where the CHAT files are, and it will process them into a folder that it creates alongside the folder with the CHAT files. It will give it the same name but with -xml at the end.

Once you have XML files, we can start operating with them in NLTK. So, now we can do some Python again.

Finding the files

NLTK does have set of designated places where it, supposedly, will look for and find files. These places it looks are often referred to as the “search path”. I have for whatever reason run into many and persistent problems with NLTK finding its data files, though. So, I am going to recommend putting files that you want Python to find into the same folder your ipynb files are. Someday later if you start using NLTK/Python for bigger projects you can start working out which places are in the search path, but let’s not get sidetracked by that here.

Task 0. Download the GNP corpus from the CHILDES site and put the GNP folder that results from unzipping it into your work folder (wherever your ipynb files generally are).

Inside this folder, you should see that there are three folders in the GNP folder: Both, English, and French. I’m just going to look at the English one in the examples below.

Task 0.5. Bring in NLTK and make sure NLTK can find the corpus.

import nltk
from nltk.corpus.reader import CHILDESCorpusReader
gnpeng = CHILDESCorpusReader('GNP/English/', '.*.xml')

You should get a list of the fileids in the corpus. This much should work whatever corpus you are using really (not just the GNP/English one).

At this point we can do the stuff that the CHILDESCorpusReader allows us to do. But it’s a little disappointing. Still:

Finding participants

We can find out who the participants are the transcripts by using .participants(). Above we saw that gnpeng.fileids() gives us a list of all the transcripts. If we give that list of transcript (filenames) to .participants(), it will work out who the participants are in each one.

people = gnpeng.participants(gnpeng.fileids())

This is a list of things, one thing for each transcript. Let’s look at the results from the first transcript:


You’ll see some gobbledygook, but embedded in there is information you can recognize. There is a {'CHI': ... {'id': 'CHI', 'role: 'Target_Child', ...}...} in there at least. You can see that for each of these participants we have information on id, role, and language.

To actually count the participants, you can ask for the length:


To get information on the ‘CHI’ participant in the first transcript:


Or more specifically the role of the ‘CHI’ participant in the first transcript:


We probably will not have much call to use this information, but it is available. To print the participants, we can do:

transcripts = gnpeng.fileids()
people = gnpeng.participants(transcripts)
for i in range(len(transcripts)):
    print('**** transcript: ' + transcripts[i])
    for person in people[i]:
        print('** participant: ' + person)
        for property in people[i][person]:
            print(property + ": " + people[i][person][property])

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have fixed the code above since this was originally posted. It was quite wrong before. If you got an error about transcript not being defined, that would have been the old version. It is supposed to be going through the people in each transcript, and then the properties of each person. I really have no idea how the code I had before got onto this page, because it never had a hope of running right. The one above does what I intended and actually makes sense.

What that does is not entirely transparent, but you can probably see how it works if you look at if for a little while.

Finding the actual words

More interesting is going to be working with the actual words and sentences. Let’s get those. For now, let’s just limit ourselves to the last file in the set of transcripts for now.

last_file = gnpeng.fileids()[-1]

So, let’s get the sentences for the child.

sentences = gnpeng.sents(last_file, speaker='CHI')

Task 1. It’s probably about time for me to ask you to do something. So, find the first sentence of these sentences we just pulled from last_file that has a verb in it. (Just by inspecting each sentence.)

Great, now we have an interesting sentence. Let’s get the tagged sentences.

tagged_sentences = gnpeng.tagged_sents(last_file, speaker='CHI')

Take a look at that same sentence you found, with the verb in it. (That is, if you had found the first verb in the seventh sentence, then you would look at tagged_sentences[6])

The thing that’s (potentially) disappointing is that there are no tags. Using tagged_sents() or tagged_words() just returns a bunch of pairs of words with empty strings.

So, although there are corpora for which the words are tagged, there are lots of other corpora for which we don’t have tags (tags being usually at least the syntactic category). So, this means we are not going to have an easy way to just “search for the verbs” or anything.

Dealing with the lack of POS tags

If we really wanted to look for non-adult verb forms in these corpora, then, we need a strategy that is more involved than just “search for things tagged as verbs.”

Here’s one possible strategy I thought of, at least. The point of using Python and programming is that we can work with corpora without going through them by hand. But since we’re going to need to go through something by hand, we can at least maybe try to optimize what we look at. To that end, the plan will be to look just at the occurrences of the most common verbs.

The only thing we can do with this untagged corpus is to count up the words and how often then occur, so we will start there. Then we can look through the most common words to identify which of the ones near the top of the list are verbs.

Task 2. You can get all the words with words = gnpeng.words(gnpeng.fileids()). Create a frequency distribution of these and print the most common 20 words.

Task 3. Identify the most common two verbs, not counting be, do, or have (in any form). What are they?

The plan then would be to look for all of the instances of these two most common verbs and see how often they occur in adults forms vs. non-adult infinitive forms.

Finding the verbs

Ok, now that we have a small set of things we want to look for, how do we start looking?

Here’s where the CHILDESCorpusReader is most disappointing, I think. We can find the sentences in the corpus from a particular speaker, but we can’t see what other speakers said in between. And if we just look at all the utterances, we can’t tell who is saying which line.

Yet, for this, it is kind of important to do things like not count direct repetitions (either of the adult’s or the child’s own utterances). But how can we know what is a repetition without the context?

It’s probably informative to look at the XML file itself. Below I’ve given what we see in a couple of these utterances. It’s useful to see the structure here. There is an utterance indicated by an opening <u ...> tag (and closed by a </u>), and inside each utterance we have a series of words enclosed by <w> and </w> tags. The utterances have attributes who (for the speaker) and uID for the utterance ID. That’s very interesting/useful to see. This means that we can pinpoint any utterance in a transcript by referring to its uID. There are also a couple of other tags. One is <t type="p"></t> which seems to correspond to clause type or turn type—it distinguishes between statements ("p") and questions ("q") at least. And there is a more arbitrary tag (<a>...</a>) that holds codes of special interest to the original researchers. The type="coding" one marks what language the utterance is in and to whom it was addressed. The other one (type="extension")? I don’t know. Whatever.

  <u who="CHI" uID="u12">
    <t type="p"></t>

    <a type="extension" flavor="pho">ai want go ple mek a haus</a>
    <a type="coding">$LAN:E $ADD:MOT</a>
  <u who="MOT" uID="u13">
    <t type="p"></t>

    <a type="coding">$LAN:E $ADD:CHI</a>

So, back to our disappointment with CHILDESCorpusReader—it doesn’t (again, as far as I know) give us access to that uID attribute of an utterance when we retrieve it. However, CHILDESCorpusReader is itself a type of a more general XMLCorpusReeader, and using this we can actually get access to the parsed XML directly. That will allow us a much more flexible way into these transcripts, though at the cost of having to deal with another bit of technology.

So, step one is to get the XML representation of the corpus we read. This can be done like so:

the_xml = gnpeng.xml(last_file)

The .xml() call does require exactly one file, so we need to specify which transcript file we are going to look at. We’ll look at the last one, which earlier we had named last_file.

Finding our way around the XML

There is some brief discussion of using XML in the NLTK book chapter 11, section 4.

However, probably the most rigorous place to look for examples is the official Python documentation for XML ElementTree. I’m going to just mention a couple of things here.

The basic goal here is to be able to look at an utterance and figure out the speaker (who) and the utterance ID (uID), which we know is in the XML file but is inaccessible through the CHILDESCorpusReader.

So, the first thing we’ll do is find the utterances by searching for the <u>...</u> tags. This can be accomplished by using the findall() function called on the XML structure.

This should look like this—but, it actually doesn’t quite.

utterances = the_xml.findall('u')

The thing above will not find anything, even though if you look at the XML file, there are u tags there. Why? The source of the issue is that at the top of the XML file, it specifies a “namespace”:

<CHAT xmlns:xsi=""

The xmlns is the XML Namespace, and it is The point of specifying this is to allow mixing of tags from different files together. This file has u tags, but other XML files might use u not for “utterance” but for “underline” or something. So, the real tag, as far as the XML parser is concerned, is not u but rather {}u – that is, it is the namespace in braces preceding the tag we see in the file. So, what this boils down to is that to find the utterances we need to do this:

utterances = the_xml.findall('{}u')

That will work, but it’s clunky, we need to put the namespace before any tag we are going to search for. So what I will do is put the namespace in its own variable:

ns ='{}'
utterances = the_xml.findall(ns+'u')

We can now interrogate the who and uID (on, for example, the 5th utterance) like this:


Suppose we now want to print out utterance u4. What is utterance u4? Looking at the XML, the utterance is parent to a sequence of words (among other things), so we can collect them like this:

ws = [w for w in utterances[4]]

This isn’t quite what we want, though. This has collected the child elements of the utterance, but not all of them are words. And even when they are words, we need to ask the word element what its text is to get the word if we want to print or compare it to something. So, there are two things we want to do. One is we want to make sure we are look at words (the w tag), and the second is that we want to collect the text (since out current side quest is to print the words of the utterance).

words = [w.text for w in utterances[4] if w.tag == ns+'w']

Ok, good, now we’re getting somewhere. We are starting to be able to get access to the data in the corpus at a deeper level.

One last note here. This for some reason does occasionally fail, because the corpus might return None for w.text. To avoid problems with this, find the words like this, by adding if w.text and as well (if w.text does not execute if w.text is None).

words = [w.text for w in utterances[4] if w.text and w.tag == ns+'w']

IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: I have fixed the code above since this was originally posted. I’d accidentally checked for whether w was None and not for whether w.text was None. The logic of the text above it still makes sense.

Searching and finding and being

Ok, now, let’s see if we can find the verb is in the transcript and then print out a) what we found, and b) the lines surrounding it so that we can make a human call on whether it is a repetition or not. This is something that the CHILDES CLAN programs do pretty easily. Turns out it is more of a chore in NLTK here, but still maybe useful.

Let’s say what we want is this: We want to search all the transcripts, find (exactly) is whenever it is spoken by the child, and then print the two utterances before.

Task 4. This is perhaps kind of challenging but: do that. Specifically, define a function be_in_context that will go through each transcript in gnpeng.fileids(), go through each utterance in the current transcript, check (if the speaker of the utterance is ‘CHI’) whether the word is is in there, and if so print the utterance. If you get this far, then try to print the two utterances (from anyone, CHI, MOT, etc.) before the one that has is in it. (Note: this is slightly more challenging. There are a couple of ways to do it, one might be to fairly inefficiently re-scan the file for the previous utterances, counting on the utterances being sequentially numbered without skipping. Another might be to introduce a “memory” of what you are scanning as you go through the file, so that you always have the previous two utterances ready to print in case you find an is. The main task here is to get it to work, a secondary concern is the efficiency.) A third refinement of this would be to print the utterances as text (not as lists of words), and maybe also put little lines between groups of three, handle cases where the first line or two has a child is utterance. And maybe print the transcript name at the beginning of each one.

As a way to check, my version of this (with all those bells, whistles) produces:

Transcript: gen13b11b.xml
Transcript: gen13b11m.xml
Transcript: gen23b07m.xml
u158-MOT:we're going to put this one aside cause I know you like it
u159-MOT:we're going to find
u160-CHI:this is yyy
u369-MOT:that's not a mushroom
u370-MOT:here let me fix this
u371-CHI:yes it is mushroom
Transcript: gen33b01m.xml
u0-CHI:what is that
u7-MOT:xxx if you put it in the box your puzzle will fit just nice
u8-MOT:put your puzzle just nice
u9-CHI:where is this one go

It took a bit of fiddling to get it right. I anticipate this to be at least a mild challenge.

Good enough

Actually, given that it took me a while to post this, that’s good enough for now. In class maybe we can extend this.

The next steps in the project would be to make a list of those words we found that were frequent, and look for those instead of looking for is and then figure out a way to tag the non-adult ones. So, maybe this will stretch over a couple of weeks as we work out how to do this, since there are still some interesting complexities that arise.