Grades are in

Ok, I’ve made it through everything. The grades are in, the scores are online on the Blackboard site.

With respect to the final, the score is out of 35 points. The grading system was a bit complex, but essentially 80% and above was an A, 70% and above was an A-, etc. This corresponds to: 28 and above = A, 24.5 and above = A-, 21 and above = B+, 17.5 and above = B, 14 and above = B-, etc.

I have also posted all of the keys (which I for some reason hadn’t done earlier). You need a password to get them.

I expect to be emailing everyone tomorrow, at which point I’ll send the password for the keys, and also point you electronic copies of the exams and any homeworks I have that I hadn’t handed back.