Reading for M 11/12: Kim 2007; Fraser 1996, 2008, 2009

Next Monday, 11/12, we will begin with a group presentation of the following paper, to conclude our discussion of presupposition:

Kim, Christina. 2007. Processing presupposition: Verifying sentences with only. In Joshua Tauberer, Aviad Eliam and Laurel MacKenzie (eds.), Papers from Penn Linguistics Colloquium 31, 213-226. Philadelphia: Penn Working Papers in Linguistics

After the group presentation, we will hear our (re-scheduled) guest lecture from Prof. Bruce Fraser (SED), who will share with us his past and current research on pragmatic markers.  He has kindly passed along the following three articles:

Fraser, Bruce. 1996. Pragmatic Markers.  MS, Boston University.

Fraser, Bruce. 2008. Topic Orientation Markers. Journal of Pragmatics 41: 892-898.

Fraser, Bruce. 2009. An Account of Discourse Markers. International Review of Pragmatics 1: 293-320.

All of the above papers are now available from the “Readings” section of this website.