HW 4: Avoid me

I just realized that I was a bit too hasty in coming up with sentences for you to do on homework #4. In particular, the fourth and fifth sentences have the pronoun me in them.

It turns out that we don’t quite know how to do those yet, so please substitute a name in for me in those examples. I will try to remember to say this in class on Tuesday.

That, is consider these sentences to be Balloons exploded above Pat and Ducks quacked near Chris.

The problem with me is that we saw earlier on that we want to treat them as having category D, not category N, and it is not clear how something with the feature [D] can check an uninterpretable [uN]. We will resolve this issue before too long, but for the moment pronouns do not fit comfortably in the trees we’re drawing. On the homework you just turned in, this was ignored in the features that I gave you for the pronouns—there I called them Ns, but I should probably have used names there as well.