Schedule, website updated

Ok, I have now had a chance to at least take a preliminary pass at bringing the web site up to date. The readings page and the schedule page are now in sync, and good up to about a week in the future.

I’ve made a few changes to the organization of the later part of the semester, so let me just mention the differences:

  • I have reduced the number of presentation days from three to two. We should be able to fit five 15-minute presentations in a single class meeting, so the last day of classes now has five, and the penultimate day of classes has four. The remaining time on the penultimate day is for course evaluations.
  • I have moved the project proposal back a bit, so it is not due until the Thursday after spring break (March 22), and I have shortened the time devoted to the CHILDES project a bit, putting one more homework assignment in between the CHILDES lab and the start of work on the final project.

That’s it, I think, other than a bit of shuffling. I wanted to move the project proposal a little bit later, just so we’d have a little bit more chance to see some potential topic areas before you need to choose something to pursue. And the time that was allotted to the CHILDES lab was actually excessive before.