HW5: What is this “exactly two” stuff?

There’s a bit of an infelicity in the description of the first task on the homework assignment. I think it makes sense if you back away and look at the homework more holistically, but if you’re going through it sequentially there might be a little bit of confusion.

The phrase in question is: “You have exactly two to do. Survival is almost guaranteed.” This comes at the end of the first task, but in fact what I’m talking about there is that you have essentially the same, tedious thing to do for task #1 (“Agreement with Perf”) and for task #2 (“Matching after Merging T”). What I was highlighting by my comment is that you should just accept the fact that I have asked you to do a tedious thing, and be heartened by the fact that I have not asked you to do more than two tedious things.

Just above the first task (“Agreement with Perf”), I give an explicit example of what I think the answer of tasks 1 and 2 should look like. It is a list of bullet points, corresponding to a concrete case of the definition of “Agree” from the handout.

Incidentally, the “handout 8b” referred to in problem 3 is really “handout 10” (this was a leftover reference from a previous semester).