
Incidentally, this is the source of the examples in homework 5. I have nothing against Serenity, really, the point was more that the only reason the movie was made was that Firefly got canceled. Lest this be misinterpreted, the desire for Joss not to make movies is more about wanting him to keep making television instead. Though perhaps I should update the example sentences, since this has by now slipped pretty far into obscurity.

So, also, this means it really is “Joss” here, not “Josh” or “Jess.”


  1. I suppose I’m dating myself, but I have a hard time accepting that Firefly is now obscure sci-fi (it’s only been ten years!), and that Joss, the creator of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible, and Dollhouse, is not more well known in popular culture.

    Just sayin’

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