Homework 1 specifications

Here, a bit late, are the specs for the homework relating to the reading that we’re doing for the next class (Krahmer and Swarts, 2008). This pretty much matches what I said in class about it.

Write up a short summary of the article, approximately a single-spaced page long, plus or minus a quarter of a page. Mention what they were testing for in the studies, how they tested for these things, and what the conclusions were. It’s not meant to be difficult, if you read the paper. The real substance of this homework is to read the paper.

Because we’re discussing the paper on Tuesday, I would like to get these summaries from you on Tuesday, even though that is less than a week to do it.

Let me know if you have any questions, and see you on Tuesday.


  1. No, not necessarily. Up to you. I’d find it easier to type, I think, but if you don’t, that’s fine. The usual effect of writing something out longhand is that it winds up having a lower word density, so if you write it out, maybe something like a two pages (e.g., front and back of a sheet) would be a better target length.

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